Fostering next-generation biotechnology talent
The Centre also focuses on educating the next generations of young scientists within the cross-field of biotechnology and data science, in order to contribute to the Danish biotech-ecosystem with highly skilled scientists and future leaders.
To maximize the potential of biotechnology to realize a sustainable future, we foster talent within biological and computational science by educating bachelor, master and PhD level students and contributing to the professional development of researchers in both academia and industry. We also contribute to the standard undergraduate classroom courses, offered by our colleagues at DTU. Our courses range from lectures and workshops to hands-on lab or pilot plant training, and computational exercises.
Specialized research courses
We offer specialized courses related to our research and technologies, for example in computationally aided cell factory design, Python for data analyses, and automation in biology, and advanced synthetic biology and bioengineering. Current courses can be found here.
Translational courses
We develop and cater to the biotech industry’s growing demand for fermentation experts, which includes courses on: biomanufacturing; innovation tools and mechanisms; and sustainability assessment of bio-based products. Read more under the Fermentation Based Biomanufacturing Initiative.
PhD School
At the Centre we also have a PhD School. As one of Europe’s five leading technical universities, it is DTU’s vision to offer the best engineering education in Europe – the PhD education is no exception. Read more under PhD School.