The Analytics Platform has been established to provide high-quality data for the entire DTU Biosustain and selected collaboration partners. The personnel of the Analytics Core consists of experts within analytical chemistry, who have many years of experience within their field of work. High quality services can be provided to ensure that ongoing projects can proceed according to plans. The Analytics Platform has built up a wide technology platform consisting of a total of 17 high-end analytical equipment in a modern laboratory environment to be able to meet the needs for analytical services.
Currently, the Analytics platform has 6 LC-MS equipment, 2 GC-MS equipment (for volatile compound analyses), 8 HPLC equipment equipped with different types of detectors (for routine in-process analyses as well as for research purposes) and 1 GC-FID equipment (for in-process control). The LC-MS equipment is used for non-targeted and for targeted metabolomics analyses as well as for proteomics analyses. In addition, method development for detecting and quantifying new compounds is performed upon request from ongoing projects. The GC-MS equipment is used for analyzing different volatile metabolites and compounds from various matrixes, and C13 flux analysis.
The possibility to use headspace analyses is a nice additional opportunity for the sample matrix to be in solid form instead of as a liquid. The HPLCs and the GC-FID are mainly used for routine analyses and in-process control, but some method development opportunities also exist for these technologies. Together with the Automation team, the Analytics platform has set up automatic workflows for different sample preparation procedures, and there is strong focus on automatizing our data processing.
- ThermoFisher Orbitrap ID-X + Vanquish UHPLC
- ThermoFisher Orbitrap Fusion + Vanquish UHPLC
- ThermoFisher Orbitrap Exploris 480 + Ultimate 3000 HPLC
- AB Sciex Triple Quadrupole 6500+ + ExionLC
- 2 x Agilent Technologies GC/MSD 5977
- 8 x ThermoFisher Ultimate 3000 HPLC systems with 3 x RI detectors, 8 x DAD detectors and 5 x fluorescence detectors. One system is also connected to a fraction collector.
- 1 Agilent Technologies GC-FID system
- Agilent Technologies Bravo AssayMAP Liquid Handling Platform for proteomics sample preparation
Linda Ahonen Head of Analytics